Freedom and Responsibility

June 23, 2013 Comments Off on Freedom and Responsibility


A human being has a dual and nondual component. He has belief. He has faith. He has love. But all of these fine qualities can be taken away through discouragement. His faith is faith in the unseen. His belief is belief in things that are not always intellectually rational. His love is love of all that is tender and beautiful. All of these fine qualities and many more work together in lifting up consciousness toward the ultimate reality of timelessness, causelessness and spacelessness. There is not one human being on the planet who will not eventually understand the monistic theist approach. This is because it is an intrinsic part of the human psyche. Everyone is a monistic theist in one way or another.

Historically, there have always been monists on one side and theists on the other. The one path that is made up of these two camps is monistic theism. It encompasses both. And, yes, it is the solution to many of the problems people face today. Saiva Siddhanta is the final conclusion of the adepts, and it includes the true precepts of Vedanta. There can only be one final conclusion, and that is monistic theism.

The problem is that Vedanta as taught today gives privilege without the disciplines, creating jnanis of intellect rather than realization. This privilege is taken as a boon by those of little spiritual attainment. Freedom without responsibility is another privilege given. This is also taken advantage of by the undisciplined; whereas discipline and responsibility should be taught and mastered before higher philosophy is delved into and practiced with any seriousness. The beginner should not be taught to rationalize on the nature of man and the universe from what he has memorized. He should be brought into the culture and community of Hinduism and establish a religious, fully committed, disciplined life before proceeding onward. We must become aware that the neo-Indian approach to Vedanta is very new, indeed. The true Vedantists–those who have reached the ultimate realizations–have reached them by following the path of monistic theism. Modern Vedanta gives privilege without discipline, and the modern New Age movement gives freedom without responsibility. Is there a difference?

Monistic theism does not give privilege. It preaches a more pragmatic approach to life. Saiva Siddhanta builds character within the individual–spiritually, socially, culturally, economically, karmically and dharmically. Aspirants have to meet a series of daily, monthly, yearly fulfillments. Truly, monistic theism is the path to mukti and merger.

The monistic Saiva Siddhanta bhaktar can understand and appreciate the point of view of anyone, because his love of Sivaness in all extends his communication faculties. He is able to talk with each philosopher on his own level. When this happens, the feeling of sharing and giving exists. The bhaktar is wise enough to know that the other person may not understand his point of view. This ability is a great barometer for judging the attainment of any bhaktar, whether he can or cannot actually be one with–in empathy with, in heart and mind, in love and trust–rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief, doctor, lawyer, temple priest and in his heart make no differences. This is the true Siva bhaktar; this is the true monistic theist; this is the true Saiva Siddhantin; this is the true Advaita Ishvaravada adept, who lives the statement, “Lord Siva is the Life within the life of everyone,” as a fact, not a metaphor. – Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami,from: Living with siva

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