Not recording hurt or flattery

October 15, 2013 Comments Off on Not recording hurt or flattery

Is it possible not to record that hurt at the moment when I am called an  idiot? Is it possible not to record at all, not only the hurt but flattery?  Is it possible not to record either? The brain has been trained to record,  for in that record there is safety, security, a sense of vitality; in that  recording the mind creates the image about oneself. And that image will  constantly get hurt. Is it possible to live without a single image about  yourself, or about your husband, wife, children, firm, or about the  politicians, the priests, or about the ideal—not a single shadow of an  image? It is possible, and if it is not found you will always be getting  hurt, always living in a pattern in which there is no freedom. When you  give complete attention there is no recording. It is only when there is  inattention that you record. That is: you flatter me; I like it; the liking  at that moment is inattention, therefore recording takes place. But if when  you flatter me I listen to it completely without any reaction, then there  is no centre which records. – Krishnamurti, Questions and Answers, pp 54-55

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