Beauty and love

February 17, 2011 § Leave a comment

Look at something which you have seen which is actually marvellously beautiful: a statue, a poem, a lily in the pond, or a well-kept lawn. And when you see such a piece of beauty – no, no, when you see such, not piece – when you see such beauty what takes place? At that moment, the very majesty of a mountain makes you forget yourself. Right? Have you ever been in that position? When you have seen that you don’t exist, only that grandeur exists. But a few seconds later or a minute later the whole cycle begins, the confusion, the chatter. So beauty is where you are not. Have you understood this?
Do you understand, sir? Oh, what a crowd! The tragedy of it. Truth is where you are not. Beauty, love is where you are not. Because we are not capable to look at this extraordinary thing called truth. – JKrishnamurti in  Bombay, January 31st 1982

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